Since 1996 No Apologies
YODELING is one of the most amazing sounds a human voice can produce. This site teaches the style of Alpine Yodeling. Since only a few people live in the alps, this course is for yodelers wherever they are.
No mountains required.
Be sure to explore the rest of the site including the Yodeler Hall of Fame, YodelOps, and how to earn your Student Certificate of Yodelology.
No mountains required.
Be sure to explore the rest of the site including the Yodeler Hall of Fame, YodelOps, and how to earn your Student Certificate of Yodelology.
All lessons are free and have no advertising.
Yodel Lessons:
Lesson 1 - It's Foundational
Lesson 2 - Reaching for the Sky
Lesson 3 - Mountain Echo
Lesson 4 - Yodel Smooth
Lesson 5 - Tongue Acrobatics
Lesson 6 - Yodel Without Fear
Lesson 7 - Teach Me How to Yodel
Yodel Lessons:
Lesson 1 - It's Foundational
Lesson 2 - Reaching for the Sky
Lesson 3 - Mountain Echo
Lesson 4 - Yodel Smooth
Lesson 5 - Tongue Acrobatics
Lesson 6 - Yodel Without Fear
Lesson 7 - Teach Me How to Yodel
What yodelers are saying about the YODELCOURSE
G'day !
My names Luke and I'm from Sydney Australia and I am going to learn how to yodel ! Thanks for making the effort with the web site and making the world a more musical place ! I wish I could say the last about myself but my wife is putting up a very strong argument every time I practice. Thanks again I'll contact you after I complete the 5 lessons. Regards Luke :)
G'day !
My names Luke and I'm from Sydney Australia and I am going to learn how to yodel ! Thanks for making the effort with the web site and making the world a more musical place ! I wish I could say the last about myself but my wife is putting up a very strong argument every time I practice. Thanks again I'll contact you after I complete the 5 lessons. Regards Luke :)
Yodel Hall of Fame
We want your vote for your favorite yodel personality.
Now accepting nominations for the Next Class.
Now accepting nominations for the Next Class.
YODELCOURSE wants to know where you love to let loose.
All over the world yodelers can be heard rapidly throwing their voices from chest to falsetto in the strangest places.
All over the world yodelers can be heard rapidly throwing their voices from chest to falsetto in the strangest places.
Student Certificate of Yodelology

Complete the first 5 LESSON PERFORMANCES, post your YouTube videos of all 5 Lesson Performances and earn your Student Certificate of Yodelology.
YODELCOURSE in the Media
Use the Contact Us page for media requests

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.